Access to the data will be  granted after submission of End User Agreement. 

To obtain the data, please follow instructions under this link

To be eligible for the official ranking, any submission must be described in a corresponding paper. The paper can describe any of the four permitted tasks(see section on Paper Submission). 

Participants can use the training data in any way they wish for training the models. The use of additional (public or not) data for training or unsupervised training on the test data are not eligible for prizes since we want to compare models trained on the same data with a held-out test set. 

Members of the organizers' research groups may participate in the challenge but are not eligible for prizes.

The results and winner will be announced publicly. Once participants submit their results on the test set to the challenge organizers via the challenge website, they will be considered fully vested in the challenge, so that their performance results (without identifying the participant unless permission is granted) will become part of any presentations, publications, or subsequent analyses derived from the Challenge at the discretion of the organizers.

The participating teams are encouraged to publish their results in the LNCS proceedings of the challenge (following the MICCAI proceedings timeline and subject to acceptance). Participants can submit their results elsewhere when citing the overview paper, and (if so) no embargo will be applied.

The participating teams are also strongly encouraged to disclose or share their code, although it is not mandatory to be eligible.