There are 2 tracks for this challenge and a total of 4 challenge tasks. All accepted papers will be included in the MICCAI challenge proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volume in the challenges subline). To be eligible for the official ranking, it is mandatory to submit a paper with a minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 12 pages. The paper should cover the four permitted tasks. If you are participating in multiple tasks, you have the option to submit a single paper that includes all methods and results, or you can submit several papers.

Authors should follow Springer's authors' guidelines and utilize their proceedings templates, either LaTeX or Word. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs (Open Researcher and Contributor IDs) in their papers. Additionally, the corresponding author, representing all the co-authors, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. It is important that the corresponding author indicated on the copyright form matches the corresponding author in the paper. Please note that once the files have been submitted, no change to the authorship of the papers can be made. To submit the Consent-to-Publish form, please append it to the end of the paper. 

All paper submissions should be sent directly to the email addresses of the organizers ( or or the submission platform: If the files are too large and cannot be attached to the email, please send the cloud storage link. The files will be download after the deadline.  

We strongly urge participants to share their code and include the GitHub link in their papers.  

The highest-ranking teams that have submitted papers will be contacted and requested to prepare an oral presentation for the half-day event during MICCAI 2023.

Participants are also welcome to submit their papers to conferences and journals after the conclusion of the challenge.    

We kindly request that any user who downloads and utilizes the Trauma THOMPSON dataset for research, publications, or any other scholarly work, properly cite the following papers:

1. Jiang, N., Wachs, J., Zhuo, Y., Couperus, K., Colombo, C., Birch, E., Gorbatkin, C., Tran, O., Beck, J., DeVane, D., Kirkpatrick, A.W., McKee, J., 2023. The Trauma THOMPSON Challenge Proposal. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2023 (MICCAI 2023). 

2. Jiang, N., Zhuo, Y., Kirkpatrick, A.W., Couperus, K., Tran, O., Beck, J., DeVane, D., Candelore, R., McKee, J., Gorbatkin, C., Birch, E., Colombo, C., Duerstock, B., Wachs, J., 2023. Baseline Models for Action Recognition of Unscripted Casualty Care Dataset. 27th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2023.